e2how2 (make a performance)

performance, 2024

a junction somewhere between performance + performing for the camera, e2how2 explores the body as a site of objectification and spectacle for viewers to witness + to document. in this scenario, I assume the role of a performer following the instruction of a digital reproduction of themselves in the guise of a video call. the performer's digital duplicate provides the steps for the performance to materialize — placing a high priority on having each action abundantly photographed. the performer is asked to put themselves in compromising positions for each shot.

while the performer searches the sand for something they are told holds some importance to the piece, the digital alternate routinely tells them to arch their back while facing the camera. the performer is also tasked with several dance numbers to put on for the viewers  present. the piece dissolves on itself — unraveling into a conflict of interest, an argument, a photoshoot, a stunt show for posting on social media.

make sure you get the waistline.